Our Services


Chiropractic Adjustment

When a spinal nerve becomes irritated, it can cause pain, inflammation and lack of movement to the joint and surrounding soft tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament, fascia), as well as areas where that nerve travels. A specific chiropractic adjustment helps release tension on the irritated nerve, allowing the joint and muscle to move properly while decreasing pain, tightness and inflammation.

If you are experiencing, pain, weakness, decreased range of motion, tingling or numbness, chiropractic care may be able to help you.


Soft Tissue & Muscle Rehab

When we have an injury like a sprain or strain, scar tissue is laid down and adhesions may form in the tissue. This can cause tightness or feeling ‘stuck’, causing loss of range of motion and even pain. We use techniques like cupping and muscle scraping to release adhesions and scar tissue, promoting proper healing and allowing for correct and full range of motion.

Combined Care

Combining chiropractic adjustment and soft tissue rehab will allow for the entire body to heal properly and speed up recovery. Our main goal is always to reduce your pain so you can get back to doing what you love as soon as possible.

Schedule an Appointment

Not sure which treatment is right for you? Schedule an initial chiropractic consultation and we will determine together if chiropractic care, soft tissue work, or a combination of the two is best for you.